Tuesday, 1 September 2020

STPM Math T Coursework 2020-2021 (Semester 1, 2 & 3)

STPM Math T Coursework 2020-2021 (Semester 3)



1b) Use Microsoft excel. Key in function  CHIDIST (X,2), where x=1, 2, ..., 50.
1c) Use Microsoft excel. Insert Scatter with smooth line
2a) Use Microsoft excel. =RANDBETWEEN(1,50) to generate random samples. Mean: -. Variance: -
2b)Use Microsoft excel to generate 200 random samples. Mean: -. Variance: -
2c) Use Microsoft excel. Insert Scatter with smooth line
3. refer 2
4. Approaches normal. Central limit theorem.

Full solution 

What will you get?
1) Introduction: 3 pages
2) Methodology: 2 pages
3) Results: many pages (in 5 Microsoft excel files)
4) Conclusion: 2 pages

To get the full solutions, you can buy it from us . Just follow the following steps:
1) Bank in RM50 to CIMB bank account: 8600470918, Account name: Pusat Tuisyen Teman Pintar.

2) SMS/Whatapps your payment receipt/transaction slip to 0163551988. Tell us you need Semester 3 Math T full solutions. Let us know your email address as well.
3) We will email the full solution to you within 24 hours and text you once the email is sent.

4) Special offer: Bank in RM40 to CIMB bank account: 8600470918, Account name: Pusat Tuisyen Teman Pintar if you can give us a "like" on Facebook (diagram 1 below). Steps: login to facebook and search Pro A Tuition Centre Kajang. Click "like" and snap a photo and send to 0163551988 through Whatapps. Then SMS/Whatapps your payment receipt/transaction slip to 0163551988. Tell us you need Semester 3 Math T full solutions. Let us know your email address as well.We will email the full solution to you within 24 hours and text you once the email is sent. 

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5) Special offer 2: Share and save: if you have assignment solution for other subjects (example: pengajian am, chemistry etc, from MPM only).  in term 3 2022 to share. You may send a message to 0163551988 to find out whether the solution rebate is still available (we are looking for 1 solution for each subject). If it is available, you may send it through whatapps to 0163551988. Checking will be done in 24 hours. Rm40 rebate will be given so that math T assignment can be bought at no cost. This special offer comes at first come first serve basis. 

Why buy our math T assignment as your reference? Save your time on this assignment. Quickly settle it and focus on your exam. Please do not copy 100% of the sample answer. The sample answer serves as reference for students.

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STPM Math T Coursework 2020-2021 (Semester 2)



1. Differentiate s to get ds/dt. Let f(t) = ds/dt. Stationary point is found by taking ds/dt =0. Hence f(t)=0. The equation is solved by Newton-Raphson Method, Iteration Method and Linear Interpolation Method.
1a) A table is built to compare Newton-Raphson Method, Iteration Method and Linear Interpolation Method.
1b) Looking at the stationary point by eye.
1c) Linear Interpolation method
1d) -
2a) v=ds/dt
2b) Find dv/dt. Let dv/dt=0 to find stationary points by using numerical method. Sketch graph
2c) Trapezium rule: 7.07 (n04). Simpson's method: 7.48 (n-4)
2ci) A table is built to compare Trapezium rule and Simpson's method.
2c)ii) 7.47
2c)iii) Trapezium rule: -5.40%. Simpson's rule: 0.155%
2c)iv) Simpson's rule is a beter choice.... 

Full solution 

What will you get?
1) Introduction: 3 pages
2) Methodology: 4 pages
3) Results: 11 page
4) Conclusion: 2 pages

Total: 20 pages

To get the full solutions, you can buy it from us . Just follow the following steps:
1) Bank in RM50 to CIMB bank account: 8600470918, Account name: Pusat Tuisyen Teman Pintar.

2) SMS/Whatapps your payment receipt/transaction slip to 0163551988. Tell us you need Semester 2 Math T full solutions. Let us know your email address as well.
3) We will email the full solution to you within 24 hours and text you once the email is sent.

4) Special offer: Bank in RM40 to CIMB bank account: 8600470918, Account name: Pusat Tuisyen Teman Pintar if you can give us a "like" on Facebook (diagram 1 below). Steps: login to facebook and search Pro A Tuition Centre Kajang. Click "like" and snap a photo and send to 0163551988 through Whatapps. Then SMS/Whatapps your payment receipt/transaction slip to 0163551988. Tell us you need Semester 2 Math T full solutions. Let us know your email address as well.We will email the full solution to you within 24 hours and text you once the email is sent. 

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Why buy our math T assignment as your reference? Save your time on this assignment. Quickly settle it and focus on your exam. Please do not copy 100% of the sample answer. The sample answer serves as reference for students.

We need your support to continue our service. Please support us.

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STPM Math T Coursework 2020-2021 (Semester 1)



1. a) Ellipse b) Circle c) Hyperbola d) Parabola e) Straight line f) Parabola g) degenerate hyperbola
h) Ellipse i) Circle
2) Substitute; expand and simplified; let b=0
3) Find theta; transform the equation; standardise the equation
case 1: 30 degree; ellipse
case 2: 45 degree; hyperbola
case 3: 45 degree; ellipse
4) -

Full solution 

What will you get?
1) Introduction: 7 pages
2) Methodology: 3 pages
3) Results: 14 page
4) Conclusion: 3 pages

Total: 27 pages

To get the full solutions, you can buy it from us . Just follow the following steps:
1) Bank in RM50 to CIMB bank account: 8600470918, Account name: Pusat Tuisyen Teman Pintar.

2) SMS/Whatapps your payment receipt/transaction slip to 0163551988. Tell us you need Semester 1 Math T full solutions. Let us know your email address as well.
3) We will email the full solution to you within 24 hours and text you once the email is sent.

4) Special offer: Bank in RM40 to CIMB bank account: 8600470918, Account name: Pusat Tuisyen Teman Pintar if you can give us a "like" on Facebook (diagram 1 below). Steps: login to facebook and search Pro A Tuition Centre Kajang. Click "like" and snap a photo and send to 0163551988 through Whatapps. Then SMS/Whatapps your payment receipt/transaction slip to 0163551988. Tell us you need Semester 1 Math T full solutions. Let us know your email address as well.We will email the full solution to you within 24 hours and text you once the email is sent. 

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Why buy our math T assignment as your reference? Save your time on this assignment. Quickly settle it and focus on your exam. Please do not copy 100% of the sample answer. The sample answer serves as reference for students.

We need your support to continue our service. Please support us.

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